The lake town of Copacabana on the shore of Isla del Sol is for most travellers a stop off point before reaching the island. Hailed in Lonely Planet as a little too tourist-ready we weren't particularly excited about spending too much time there. However after walking past the beautiful cathedral to get to our hostal, finding out that cars were to be blessed the next day and knowing we would soon be leaving the amazingly cheap land that is Bolivia we decided to spend the day there.
As the sun shone down on us with its glorious rays we headed to the cathedral early to get a peek inside and wait for the car blessings. Outside there was a heap of stalls selling all imaginable religious tat, which 'the other' Emily and I took great joy in purchasing. Also available were good luck charms and witches trinkets, (everything I love about Bolivia) ready to bless the cars. As each new car drive past they were adorned with flowers and petals and bottles of champagne were cracked on their hoods giving luck to the driver.
After this exciting feast for the eyes and after I'd haggled down the price of a stuffed armadillo we headed up the mountain to the hilltop cemetery to enjoy fabulous views of he city. Being the wuss I am with heights and with a general inability to not slip and fall I found both the walk up and down less than satisfying but the view over the crystal clear lake and the beautifully adorned candle lit graves were worth it.
SURVIVAL TIP: Don't always listen to the guide, don't get me wrong Lonely Planet had good things to say about Copacabana but that one line put me off when it shouldn't have. Get a feel for the place and if you want to stay and can afford the time, stay! You probably won't be coming back in a while.

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