There are stray dogs in abundance in South America, some friendly, others a little worse for wear. These street dogs had followed us in some countries but nowhere like in Santiago, Chile's capital. Almost as soon as you stepped out into the street you would find yourself with a new walking companion.
On a free walking tour (a must!) my friend asked why wasn't anything being done about all the stray dogs? Our guide was appalled, "We love our street dogs in Santiago, the city wouldn't be the same without them". He explained to us that there were many charities set up for the dogs and almost all of them had had vaccinations. The police took them in and washed them and they were known as friends of the city. From then on our general fear of loitering canine eased, the German Shepherds still freaked me out a bit but I felt a lot better about the drunken cuddle I'd had with a Jack Russell a few nights before!

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